Factual Premises of Statutory Interpretation in Agency Review Cases

Todd S. Aagaard · February 2009 77 GEO. WASH. L. REV. 366 (2009) This Article examines factual premises of statutory interpretation in cases reviewing administrative agency action. It proposes an approach that would better integrate the treatment of such factual premises into the overall structure of administrative law. Judicial interpretation of statutes administered by agencies...
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Universal De Novo Review

Chad M. Oldfather · February 2009 77 GEO. WASH. L. REV. 308 (2009) This Article’s aim is to enhance our understanding of the practice of de novo review, with special emphasis on four subsidiary questions. First, how might the practice of de novo review be justified? Does institutional competence provide the answer, or must we...
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From Bereavement to Banishment: The Deportation of Surviving Alien Spouses Under the “Widow Penalty”

Shaina N. Elias · November 2008 77 GEO. WASH. L. REV. 172 (2008) Today, hundreds of alien widows and widowers across the country face automatic deportation from the United States because their American citizen spouses died before the couples celebrated their two-year wedding anniversaries. Under the Immigration Service’s current interpretation of immigration law, if the...
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Exhuming the Seemingly Moribund Declaration of War

Saikrishna Bangalore Prakash · November 2008 77 GEO. WASH. L. REV. 89 (2008) Scholars and politicians insist that declarations of war are relics of the past. As proof, they point out that in over two centuries the United States has declared war only five times and that the nation last declared war over sixty years...
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Fixing Innovation Policy: A Structural Perspective

Stuart Minor Benjamin & Arti K. Rai · November 2008 77 GEO. WASH. L. REV. 1 (2008) Innovation is central to economic growth and human welfare. Government officials and commentators have recognized this reality and have called for a variety of different substantive incentives for stimulating innovation. But the question of how an innovation regulator...
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Deliberation Across the Cultural Divide: Assessing the Potential for Reconciling Conflicting Cultural Orientations to Reprodutive Technology

John Gastil, Justin Reedy, Donald Braman & Dan M. Kahan · September 2008 76 GEO. WASH. L. REV. 1478 (2008) From birth control and abortion to in vitro fertilization and genetic enhancement, reproductive technologies are furnishing Americans not only with new modes of control over sexual and reproductive choice, but also with new sites for...
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Prosecuting the Womb

Michele Goodwin · September 2008 76 GEO. WASH. L. REV. 1411 (2008) In May, 2008, shortly before the publication of this Article, the South Carolina Supreme Court, in a unanimous decision, reversed the conviction of Regina McKnight, five years after upholding her conviction on a controversial drug conviction. Ms. McKnight, an indigent Black woman, was...
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