Preview of the November 2022 Supreme Court Arguments

October 31 Students for Fair Admissions, Inc. v. University of North Carolina No. 21-707, M.D.N.C. Preview by Rebekah Bass, Member Can race-conscious admissions policies stand up to the strict scrutiny of the Fourteenth Amendment? That is the issue presented in Students for Fair Admissions, Inc. v. University of North Carolina. Petitioner Students for Fair Admissions...
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Preview of Sackett v. EPA

October 3 Sackett v. Environmental Protection Agency No. 21-454, 9th Cir. Preview by Robert L. Glicksman, J.B. & Maurice C. Shapiro Professor of Law, George Washington University Law School When do wetlands qualify as “waters of the United States” subject to regulation under the federal Clean Water Act (the CWA or the Act)? That is...
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Preview of the October 2022 Supreme Court Arguments

October 3 Delaware v. Pennsylvania and Wisconsin No. 22-1045, Original Preview by John Tuley, Member In Delaware v. Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, the Court will decide whether MoneyGram’s “Official Checks,” which are used to pay third parties, constitute a “money order, traveler’s check, or other similar written instrument (other than a third party bank check)” under...
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(Con)textual Interpretation: Applying Civil Rights to Healthcare in Section 1557 of the Affordable Care Act

Heather Skrabak 90 Geo. Wash. L. Rev. 1291 When Congress passed the Affordable Care Act in 2010, Section 1557 of the legislation promised powerful nondiscrimination protections in healthcare on the bases of race, color, national origin, sex, age, and disability. This was a thrilling new development, as Congress had already extended civil rights protections against...
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Statute-Focused Presidential Administration

Bijal Shah 90 Geo. Wash. L. Rev. 1165 When the President directs agency action, this is known as “presidential administration.” Without fail, presidential administration furthers the President’s own policy aims. Accordingly, this dynamic has intensified greatly in recent years, which has rendered agencies highly responsive to the President’s interests. However, agencies must be responsive also,...
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