Money for Senate Seats and Other Seventeenth Amendment Politicking: How to Amend the Constitution to Prevent Political Scandal During the Filling of Senate Vacancies

Daniel T. Shedd · April 2011 79 GEO. WASH. L. REV. 960 (2011) Currently, thirty-three states permit their governors to appoint replacements to the United States Senate without any checks on the appointment procedure. As the previous two anecdotes illustrate, this practice can lead to political gamesmanship and political scandals that decrease public trust in...
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American Idol: The Domestic and International Implications of Preferencing the Highly Educated and Highly Skilled in U.S. Immigration Law

Kayleigh Scalzo · April 2011 79 GEO. WASH. L. REV. 926 (2011) In the category of employment-based (“EB”) immigration, the INA gives significant preference to highly skilled and highly educated aliens at the expense of unskilled and skilled aliens. The statute uses language such as “extraordinary ability,” “sustained national or international acclaim,” and “exceptional ability”...
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A Solution to the Spoliation Chaos: Rule 37(e)’s Unfulfilled Potential to Bring Uniformity to Electronic Spoliation Disputes

Alexander B. Hastings · April 2011 79 GEO. WASH. L. REV. 860 (2011) The need to address electronic discovery and the questions that surround this issue becomes more pressing with each passing day. The Judicial Conference Committee on Rules of Practice and Procedure (“Judicial Conference”) recently proposed Rule 37(e) to alleviate the worries of parties...
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The Paradox of McDonald v. City of Chicago

David S. Cohen · April 2011 79 GEO. WASH. L. REV. 823 (2011) On the last day of its 2010 Term, the Supreme Court issued the landmark decision of McDonald v. City of Chicago, holding that the Second Amendment is incorporated against state and local governments. On its face, the 5–4 decision is simple enough,...
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Ethics and Innovation

Charles Silver · February 2011 79 GEO. WASH. L. REV. 754 (2011) Using the familiar insight that principals and agents can jointly gain by reducing agency costs, this Essay argues (1) that lawyers hoping to attract clients should seek to improve the quality of representation in mass tort cases and to signal their reliability and...
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