Direct Republicanism in the Administrative Process

David J. Arkush · September 2013 81 GEO. WASH. L. REV. 1458 (2013) This Article offers a new response to an old problem in administrative law: how to secure sound, democratically legitimate policies from unelected regulators. The question stems from a principal-agent problem inherent in representative forms of government—the possibility that government officials will not...
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The Role of Politics in a Deliberative Model of the Administrative State

Mark Seidenfeld · September 2013 81 GEO. WASH. L. REV. 1397 (2013) Since at least the mid-1980s, some scholars of United States administrative law have touted deliberative democracy as a promising theory to justify the modern administrative state. Those who advocate deliberative administration, however, have not easily incorporated the role of democratic politics into their...
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Stops and Frisks, Race, and the Constitution

Paul J. Larkin, Jr. · September 2013 82 GEO. WASH. L. REV. ARGUENDO 1 (2013) For more than a decade, the New York City Police Department (“NYPD”) has pursued an aggressive strategy to reduce street crime. Among the steps that the NYPD has taken is to stop and frisk anyone suspected of having committed, committing,...
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All Work and Not Enough Pay: Proposing a New Statutory and Regulatory Framework to Curb Employer Abuse of the Summer Work Travel Program

Nicole Durkin · July 2013 81 GEO. WASH. L. REV. 1294 (2013) In the summer of 2011, 400 foreign students working in the United States through the Department of State’s Summer Work Travel (“SWT”) program went on strike at a Pennsylvania Hershey’s factory to protest their wages and working conditions. The strike drew national attention...
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Take Two and Call Congress in the Morning: How the Biologics Price Competition and Innovation Act May Fail to Prevent Systemic Abuses in the Follow-on Biologics Approval Process

Charles Davis · July 2013 81 GEO. WASH. L. REV. 1255 (2013) Biologics drugs present great promise for curing deadly diseases such as cancer or neurological disorders. These auspicious drugs are, however, inordinately expensive. The patents on many of these blockbuster biologics treatments will soon expire, creating high demand for cheap generic versions of biologics...
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