Nondelegation Blues

Philip Hamburger 91 Geo. Wash. L. Rev. 1083 The nondelegation doctrine is in crisis. For approximately a century, it has been the Supreme Court’s answer to questions about transfers of legislative power. But as became evident in Gundy v. United States, those answers are wearing thin. So, it is time for a new approach. This...
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The Court That Does Not Let Standing Stand in Its Way

Alan B. Morrison 92 Geo. Wash. L. Rev. Arguendo 1 Article III of the Constitution limits the power of the federal courts to adjudicating cases and controversies. Embedded in that concept are the separate and sometimes overlapping doctrines of standing, ripeness, political question, mootness, and the overall responsibility of the courts to assure both that...
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Is There a Light at The End of the Dark-Pattern Tunnel?

Lindsay Wilson 91 Geo. Wash. L. Rev. 1048 In the wake of the AMG Capital Management, LLC v. FTC Supreme Court decision which held that the Federal Trade Commission (“FTC”) does not have the authority to seek monetary relief and is limited to injunctive relief under section 13(b) of the Federal Trade Commission Act (“FTC...
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Two Hooligans Forever Barred: When the Immaterial Becomes Material

Olive Lee 91 Geo. Wash. L. Rev. 1009 As victims of persecution, war, and forcible displacement, refugees and asylees are unprotected by their own governments and depend on the compassionate response of others. The United States asylum system, in support of international human rights efforts and humanitarian ideals, offers protection to those fleeing persecution. However,...
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Racism and Trademark Abandonment

Jon J. Lee 91 Geo. Wash. L. Rev. 932 As companies have come to terms with the fact that their brand names and imagery have connections to America’s racist history, they have publicly announced their commitments to shed their ignominious trademarks. But, unlike a physical monument, a trademark cannot be destroyed or removed. Under the...
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The Problematic Forgotten Buyback

Yesha Yadav 91 Geo. Wash. L. Rev. 864 Totaling in excess of $100 billion dollars in transactions annually, debt buybacks allow a company to repurchase bonds from investors, rewriting bar- gains and stripping away creditor control rights in the process. This Article shows that regulation systematically underprotects bondholders in the context of debt buybacks. It...
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