A Examination of Judicial Reasoning—When a Penalty Is Not a Penalty

Larry A. DiMatteo 85 Geo. Wash. L. Rev. 1846 This Article reviews the landmark decision of the United Kingdom Supreme Court involving two cases collectively known as Cavendish-ParkingEye. The decision represents an assault on the common law’s penalty rule, which invalidates liquidated damages clauses that are determined to be penalties. The Court upheld two clauses...
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The Sharing Economy in the EU and the Law of Contracts

Rolf H. Weber 85 Geo. Wash. L. Rev. 1777 The concept of the “share economy” has not been developed in a meaningful way in the European Union (“EU”) to date. The importance of the data economy has been acknowledged and many discussion papers are circulating regarding this subject. Despite this progress, the competence of the...
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A Civilian Perspective on Network Contracts and Privity

Matthias E. Storme 85 Geo. Wash. L. Rev. 1739 In order to contribute to the debate on the “edges of contract law,” especially on the value of the privity rule in an age of network contracts and sharing economy, this Essay analyzes some approaches and solutions chosen by continental or civil law systems of private...
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Comparative Contract Law and Development: The Missing Link?

Mariana Pargendler 85 Geo. Wash. L. Rev. 1717 Contract law has long been a favorite area of study among comparative law scholars. Economists have posited that contract institutions play a central role in economic development. Yet, in sharp contrast to the state of the art in other fields (such as corporate law and bankruptcy law),...
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Contract Interpretation 2.0: Not Winner-Take-All but Best-Tool-for-the-Job

Lawrence Cunningham 85 Geo. Wash. L. Rev. 1625 In a centuries-old debate among contracts scholars, one group supports a presumption favoring a text-centered approach to the interpretation of a written agreement—the plain meaning taken from the four corners—while opponents urge a broader understanding of context—what the parties intended and the circumstances of their negotiation. The...
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Jennings v. Rodriguez: Against the Backdrop of Executive Enforcement and Legislative Inaction, the Court Revisits the Issue of Prolonged Immigration Detention

Mar. 5, 2018 Jennings v. Rodriguez, 583 U.S. ___ (2018) (Alito, J.). Response by Cori Alonso-Yoder Geo. Wash. L. Rev. On the Docket (Oct. Term 2017) Slip Opinion | New York Times | SCOTUSblog Jennings v. Rodriguez: Against the Backdrop of Executive Enforcement and Legislative Inaction, the Court Revisits the Issue of Prolonged Immigration Detention Today marks...
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