Women, Rule-Breaking, and The Triple Bind

June Carbone, Naomi Cahn & Nancy Levit 87 Geo. Wash. L. Rev. 1105 Two growing literatures critique Hobbesian corporate cultures. Management analyses document the way high-stakes/zero-sum bonus systems undermine, rather than enhance, productivity as they subvert teamwork, valorize self-interested behavior, and weaken ethical standards. This literature treats negative effects of such systems, including lawless and...
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Automating the Risk of Bias

Kristin N. Johnson 87 Geo. Wash. L. Rev. 1214 Artificial intelligence (“AI”) is a transformative technology that has radically altered decision-making processes. Evaluating the case for algorithmic or automated decision-making (“ADM”) platforms requires navigating tensions between two normative concerns. On the one hand, ADM platforms may lead to more efficient, accurate, and objective decisions. On...
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Me, Too and #MeToo: Women in Congress and the Boardroom

Joan MacLeod Heminway 87 Geo. Wash. L. Rev. 1079 The “Year of the Woman” (1992) and the year of #MeToo (2018) were landmark years for women in federal congressional elections. Both years also represent significant milestones for women’s roles as U.S. public company directors. In each of these two years, social context was interconnected with...
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Gender Diversity, Diversity Fatigue, and Shifting the Focus

Douglas M. Branson 87 Geo. Wash. L. Rev. 1061 The women’s movement has been with us for approximately 50 years. Women are airline pilots, police officers, engineers, fire fighters, physicians, and veterinarians. By contrast, the progress to corporate senior executive positions has been paltry, in fits and starts, at best in baby steps. Ascendant males...
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On the Docket’s Preview of the January Supreme Court Arguments

January 13 Lucky Brand Dungarees v. Marcel Fashion Group No. 18-1086, 2d Cir. Preview by Michael Fischer, Online Editor Lucky Brand Dungarees and Marcel Fashion group are two competitors within the apparel industry who each own various trademarks using the term “Lucky.” In 2001, Marcel sued Lucky Brand alleging that it violated its “Get Lucky”...
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