Preview of the November 2021 Supreme Court Arguments

The Supreme Court’s November calendar has been in flux as litigation surrounding the controversial Texas statute S.B. 8 has raced to the Court’s attention. Be sure to check this post for updates, as future shifts in the calendar may well be in store. November 2 Houston Community College System v. WilsonNo. 28-804, 5th Cir.Preview by...
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Delegating and Regulating the President’s Section 232 and IEEPA Trade Powers

Jacob Reiskin 89 Geo. Wash. L. Rev. 1280 Congress has provided the President extraordinary authority to enact emergency trade remedies. Throughout the Trump Administration, American consumers and manufacturers paid the costs of this delegation. This Essay considers procedural reforms that Congress should pass to ensure that future Presidents do not have unchecked authority to order...
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Permissible Derogation: The Common Law and Agency Interpretations Under Chevron

Jalen LaRubbio 89 Geo. Wash. L. Rev. 1261 The common law has undergirded American society since the founding. In recent decades, however, the law surrounding federal administrative agencies has grown massively in importance. Inevitably, instances of conflict between established common law and agency statutory interpretations have arisen and will continue to arise as the administrative...
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Remand and Dialogue in Administrative Law

Christopher J. Walker & James R. Saywell 89 Geo. Wash. L. Rev. 1198 A bedrock principle of administrative law is that when a court finds an agency has erred, the court generally remands the action for the agency to consider anew (as opposed to the court deciding the matter itself). The conventional understanding is that...
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How Chevron Deference Fits into Article III

Kent Barnett 89 Geo. Wash. L. Rev. 1143 U.S. Supreme Court Justices Clarence Thomas and Neil Gorsuch, along with Professor Philip Hamburger, assert that Chevron deference—under which courts defer to reasonable agency statutory interpretations—violates Article III. Chevron does so because, they argue, it either permits agencies, not courts, “to say what the law is” or...
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Nondelegation as Constitutional Symbolism

Kristin E. Hickman 89 Geo. Wash. L. Rev. 1079 The divided Supreme Court in Gundy v. United States and subsequent events have given rise to an expectation that the Court will soon revitalize the nondelegation doctrine by replacing the intelligible principle standard. Some have greeted the prospect of this doctrinal shift with cheers of exaltation,...
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Personal Jurisdiction in Climate Change Common Law Litigation Post-Ford

October 6, 2021 Ford Motor Company v. Montana Eighth Judicial District Court, 592 U.S. ___ (2021) (Kagan, J.). Special Edition Response by Jonathan Remy Nash† Geo. Wash. L. Rev. On the Docket (Oct. Term 2020) Slip Opinion | SCOTUSblog Personal Jurisdiction in Climate Change Common Law Litigation Post-Ford A Special Edition Response Recent years have witnessed attempts...
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