Preview of the January 2022 Supreme Court Arguments

January 10 Gallardo v. Marstiller No. 28-1263, 11th Cir. Preview by Jacob Orgel, Online Editor In Gallardo v. Marstiller, the Supreme Court is set to determine the extent of third-party tort liability state that Medicaid agencies can tap into for recovery on medical expenses provided to Medicaid recipients. Petitioner Gianna Gallardo was permanently incapacitated at...
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Suspicionless Policing

Julian A. Cook, III 89 Geo. Wash. L. Rev. 1568 The tragic death of Elijah McClain—a twenty-three-year-old, slightly built, unarmed African American male who was walking home along a sidewalk when he was accosted by three Aurora, Colorado police officers—epitomizes the problems with policing that have become a prominent topic of national conversation. Embedded within...
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Destabilizing Policing’s Masculinity Project

Jordan Blair Woods 89 Geo. Wash. L. Rev. 1527 In the wake of national calls for police reform and nationwide protests of police killings of unarmed people of color, and unarmed Black men in particular, there is a renewed focus on the relationship between masculinity and police violence. This Article, prepared for a symposium on...
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Intersectionality, Police Excessive Force, and Class

Frank Rudy Cooper 89 Geo. Wash. L. Rev. 1452 Recent uprisings over the failure to hold police officers responsible for killing civilians—from Ferguson, Missouri to nationwide George Floyd protests—show the importance of excessive force as a social problem. Some scholars have launched racial critiques of policing as resulting from explicit or implicit racial bias. Others...
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Preview of the December 2021 Supreme Court Arguments

December 1 Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization No. 19-1392, 5th Cir. Preview by Joshua Keyser, Senior Online Editor In Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, the Supreme Court will consider what is already being called the “most important abortion case in a generation.” Edward Whelan, John Roberts and the Abortion Precedents, Wall Street J....
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