Regulating Reproduction

Marsha Garrison · September 2008 76 GEO. WASH. L. REV. 1402 (2008) In 2003, the Sunday Styles section of The New York Times published a striking advertisement featuring a smiling baby and a bold headline asking “Do You Want to Choose the Gender of Your Next Baby?” Readers were directed by this advertisement to a...
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If I Say “Yes” to Regulation Today, Will You Still Respect Me in the Morning?

June Carbone · September 2008 76 GEO. WASH. L. REV. 1383 (2008) Marsha Garrison and Michele Goodwin have each written clever, edgy, and insightful articles on the oversight of new reproductive technologies. Both of them frame the issues around the regulation of reproduction, not assisted reproduction. “Assisted reproduction” might mean doctors, clinics, or patients. “Reproduction”...
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The “Repugnance” Lens of Gonzales v. Carhart and Other Theories of Reproductive Rights: Evaluating Advanced Reproductive Technologies

Sonia M. Suter · September 2008 76 GEO. WASH. L. REV. 1298 (2008) Reproductive decisionmaking has always raised ethical and legal issues. With scientific advances, reproductive decisions are even more complex and the legal and moral issues even more complicated. Some advanced technologies, such as in vitro fertilization (“IVF”) assist procreation. Other technologies, such as...
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Equal Liberty: Assisted Reproductive Technology and Reproductive Equality

Radhika Rao · September 2008 76 GEO. WASH. L. REV. 1216 (2008) Regulating reproductive technologies—the subject of this symposium—is a theoretical issue right now because there is virtually no such regulation in the United States. However, the regulatory vacuum surrounding assisted reproductive technologies (“ARTs”) may not last for much longer. The outcry over human cloning...
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Is It Safe to Chevron “Two-Step” in a Hurricane? A Critical Examination of How Expanding the Government’s Role in Disaster Relief Will Only Exacerbate the Damage

Ross C. Paolino · August 2008 76 GEO. WASH. L. REV. 1392 (2008) In the summer of 2004, a slow-moving Category Three hurricane struck the heart of New Orleans, Louisiana. The hurricane engulfed New Orleans in catastrophic flooding, placing homes, hospitals, and nursing homes completely under water. The hurricane killed thousands of residents, displaced hundreds...
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