The Law Review is very proud to introduce the new Editorial Board of Volume 84.
As of March 24, 2015, The George Washington Law Review has transitioned from the leadership of Vol. 83 to the leadership of Vol. 84. These incoming editors were selected by their predecessors on the basis of interviews and a rigorous Editorial Competition that tests competence in substantive editing, selection, and bluebooking. Over the past month, the two boards have been working together to ensure a seamless transition.
Volume 84 will be lead by Editor-in-Chief Dane P. Shikman and the Senior Board of Nathalie Baker, Michael Jones, Maxwell Weiss, Thaddeus Ewald, Matthew Mezger, and Julia Haigney. See our Current Editorial Board page for the entire board and position descriptions.
It is the distinguished pleasure of the Volume 84 Board to congratulate outgoing Volume 83 on their impressive accomplishments at the Law Review and to thank them them for their invaluable advice and oversight during this transition period.